#fall #spring #summer
Hiking, Outdoor Activities

Accessible Jouppilanvuori Adventure Trail

Located only a couple of kilometres from the centre of Seinäjoki, the Accessible Jouppilanvuori Adventure Trail is accessible to all. It provides everyone with an opportunity to exercise and go on safe accessible walks in a natural setting while enjoying the great outdoors. The trail is suitable for fit and unfit visitors alike – it is ideal for those with limited mobility and families with children. Visitors can take a break on a bench, or stop by the poem board, forest pond or birdhouse gallery.

Getting to the trail

Parking area: Jouppilanvuorentie 66, Seinäjoki

Drive along the road that branches off behind Joupiska (a restaurant) all the way up, roughly 660 m. The starting area for the trails is right on the other side of the gate. Choose the route that is signposted ‘Elämysliikuntareitti Jouppilanvuori (1,8 km)’.

Level of difficulty

The trail runs on quite even ground, along a broad road surfaced with stone dust. There is only a little variation in altitude. The trail is well signposted and marked.

Trail description

The trail runs near the peak of Jouppilanvuori, in a pine-dominated forest landscape. The undergrowth mainly consists of bilberry bushes and heather. In wetter sections you may also spot marsh Labrador tea.

The trail’s starting point includes an exercise area that also offers equipment for accessible exercise.

From the starting point the trail descends slightly, passing the first destination, “Mountain base”, which includes a military service club, a dugout and trenches. The trail then crosses the path leading to a shooting range, and soon arrives at a military obstacle course. The next attraction is the magnificent rock surface dotted with lichen. There is a Lapp ‘kota’ hut on top of the rock, and a special place for quieting your mind, with a beautiful view over a forest pond. The trail continues towards the birdhouse gallery and then turns right, until it crosses a small bridge at the pond. After that it arrives at the lean-to shelter, a suitable spot for eating your packed lunch or taking a sip from your water bottle. At the next crossroads you will turn one more time to the right, and then the trail will gently ascend to the starting area. There are no residential sites along the trail.

Good to know

The trail is meant for walkers, cyclists and those with limited mobility, in particular.

In winter, there are cross-country skiers on the trail too, but one side of the trail is designated for walkers. Walkers must be extra careful in the slippery winter conditions, as the trail will not be gritted. The blue and white direction guides along the trail only apply to skiers.

Some of the sites may be booked, closed or open by reservation only. The Aarnikotka hut, for example (and its toilet), is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10.00 until 20.00, at other times by reservation only.

For private functions and larger gatherings, you should book the hut to avoid overlaps. The dry toilets along the trail are accessible to all – it is easy to enter them with a wheelchair. They are large enough for an assistant to easily accompany the wheelchair user. Toilet paper is available in the toilets. Wood chips are added daily by the area caretaker.

There is another accessible dry toilet on the route leading to the shooting range.

You will be fine wearing trainers or similar comfortable shoes.

If you wish to test your fitness on the military obstacle course, you should wear proper sportswear and footwear; for some of the obstacles you even need to wear fatigues or similar protective clothing. The military obstacle course can be used for both training and competition purposes. You can test your fitness on the course at your own risk. Children under the age of 15 can only use the course if accompanied by a responsible adult.

The trail’s starting area has many signposts, maps and pathways leading in different directions. This recreational trail is part of a larger accessible trail network that extends from the doorsteps of Joupiska to the shore of Lake Kyrkösjärvi (4.5 km). It is also connected to the accessible trail that runs all the way to Ahonkylä in Ilmajoki (10 km). In addition, it partly follows the Jouppilanvuori exercise track (5 km).

The trail provides easy access to a bird forest that starts at a birdhouse gallery. You only need to proceed some 400 m, and you will find a nice rest spot with a rock scenery. A short, accessible duckboard route leads to a hide where you can observe the animal life in the forest. There is space in the hide for several people at a time.

It is prohibited to collect any trees, mosses, dwarf shrubs or lichen.

Trail facilities

Accessible dry toilet, rest spot, exercise area, information board near the start, i.e. the parking area; accessible dry toilet, rest spots, dugout, trenches, spots for charging your electric devices, benches for resting, place for quieting your mind, Lapp ‘kota’ hut, campfire site and lean-to shelter along the trail.